We couldn’t do it without our awesome volunteers!
You can be an active part of our sled dog race by volunteering. While specific experience is needed for some of the positions, others require no previous experience — we train you. If you want to volunteer for any of the following positions, you can go online to Sign Up Genius here or contact Cathy Quinn, our amazing volunteer coordinator, at gunflintmailrunvolunteer@gmail.com
Road crossing volunteers:
Road Crossing volunteers get front row seats for the sled dog race! They are responsible for making sure all teams cross the roads safely. We can assign you to a road crossing team or you can get a group of friends together and we will find the perfect spot for your whole team. Road crossing volunteers are needed throughout the race.
Start line volunteers:
At the start line, you are working in groups to safely help the mushers and their teams to the starting gate and to assist with parking. Not all mushers request this help, but most need some sort of assistance. Although not difficult, it is very important for the safety of the dogs that a start line volunteer be able to run, under control, from the dog truck to the starting gate without hurting the dogs.
Finish line volunteers:
Dog teams are a little tired when they arrive at the finish line, but they are still very strong and ready to go. Some teams may require assistance from the finish line to the dog truck. As with start line volunteers, it is very important for the safety of the dogs that a finish line volunteer be able to run, under control, from the finish line to the dog truck without hurting the dogs.
Inside volunteers:
Inside volunteers help with volunteer and mushers check-ins, race stats, media coverage, and assist the volunteer coordinator.
Ham Radio volunteers:
Ham Radio volunteers should NOT use the sign-up link above. If you can volunteer for Ham Radio communications please contact Jayne N0UYQ.
Note: Volunteers should be at least 18 years old. Volunteers between the ages of 14 to 17 need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.